John Bird

John Bird

John has a diverse practice built on more than 15 years’ experience in global and national law firms. He is listed in Best Lawyers of Australia since 2020 for Government Practice and Public Law. He is recommended in Doyles Guide since 2019 for commercial litigation.

Relevant experience

John’s focus in on public law (Commonwealth and Australian Capital Territory) and commercial litigation.

In the Commonwealth sphere, he has acted for a wide variety of Ministers and agencies under multiple statutory schemes canvassing both merits and judicial review of administrative action, complex commercial disputes, and civil claims.

In the Territory, he acts in planning matters, property (including strata and commercial leasing) disputes, contract and equitable claims, and building and construction litigation (including complex rectification order matters).

Called to the Bar

Masters of Government and Commercial Law (with merit) (ANU)

Admitted as a legal practitioner

Bachelor of Laws and Asian Studies (Japanese) (ANU)

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02 6181 2097


Practice areas

Anti-dumping / trade
Building and construction
Building rectifications orders
Commercial law
Commercial leasing
Commissions and Inquiries
FOI disputes
Human Rights Law
International Law
Migration Law
Planning and Development
Public / Administrative law


  • Sporco Investments v Le Messurier [2023] ACTMC 10 (commercial lease dispute)
  • Jolley v Construction Occupations Registrar[2023] ACAT 65 (building rectification order)
  • Cianci and National Disability Insurance Agency [2023] AATA 1093 (disability)
  • Secretary, Attorney-General’s Dept v Warren[2022] FCAFC 118 (FEG Scheme)
  • Thiyagaratnam and Minister for Immigration & Citizenship[2022] AATA 743 (citizenship)
  • Quanton Pty Ltd v ACT Planning and Land Authority [2021] ACTSC 139
  • Scentre Management Limited v ACT Planning and Land Authority [2021] ACTSC 171
  • Bolaram v Australian Capital Territory (Appeal) [2021] ACAT 64
  • LFRS and Minister for Foreign Affairs [2021] AATA 79(passports)
  • Rosa & the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Residential Tenancies) [2019] ACAT 33
  • Morozow v ACTPLA & Ors (Administrative Review) [2017] ACAT 79
  • Kersten and Secretary, Department of Employment [2016] AATA 1052 (Fair Entitlement Guarantee)
  • Jones and Australian Federal Police [2016] AATA 329(FOI)
  • Gracie v The Owners Units Plan 3411 [2016] ACAT 3 (Unit Titles)
  • Archerfield  Airport and Minister for Infrastructure & Regional Development [2015] AATA 489
  • Manny v Sims, Parberry, O’Keefe and Smith [2014] ACTSC 183
  • Wagdy Hanna v National Library [2013] ACTCA 24 (security for costs application in the ACT Court of Appeal)
  • Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited v Manny (No.6) [2013] ACTSC 261
  • Red Bull (Australia) Pty Ltd and Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry [2011] AATA 157
  • Mourikis, Comcare v Patrick Operations Pty Ltd [2010] NSWDDT 6.
  • SZGRL v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2006] FMCA 632