Blackburn Chambers is Canberra’s original, largest and most prestigious barristers’ chambers. Over many decades, members of Blackburn Chambers have built extensive links with Canberra’s broader legal community. We reproduce here some website links to some of our major contacts that will assist solicitors.
The Australian Capital Territory Bar Association provides professional services, support and benefits to independent barristers at the private bar and its members.
The Law Council of Australia is the peak national representative body of the Australian legal profession, and represents about 60,000 legal practitioners nationwide.
The Association provides a common voice for members of the Independent Referral Bars from throughout Australia. Since its establishment, the Association has strived to engender in its members a sense of pride to practise as a member of a profession that is proud of its independence, confident of the service it provides and aspiring to continual improvement in the skills and art that assist in the administration of justice and the maintenance of the rule of law.
Since its inception the Association has maintained and enhance its position as the peak body representing the interests of members of the Independent Referral Bars from throughout the various States and mainland Territories of the Commonwealth of Australia.
The ACT Law Society represent, advances, and defends the interests of an independent legal profession in the ACT. It also aims to protect the public interest in the ACT system of justice through the efficient regulation of the profession in accordance with the Legal Profession Act and the Society’s Rules for Solicitors.
The Magistrates Court handles less serious criminal matters and civil disputes up to a jurisdictional limit of $250,000. Daily Lists.
This site also links to other A.C.T. Courts, including the Coroner’s Court and Children’s Court.
The Supreme Court is the superior court in the ACT and hears and determines criminal and civil matters, including appeals from the Magistrates Court and the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Daily Lists Calendar.
An Australian superior court of record which has jurisdiction to deal with most civil disputes governed by federal law (with the exception of family law matters), along with some summary (less serious) criminal matters.
An Australian court with jurisdiction over matters broadly relating to family law and child support, administrative law, admiralty law, bankruptcy, copyright, human rights, industrial law, migration, privacy and trade practices.
The Family Court of Australia is a superior Australian federal court of record which deals with family law matters, such as divorce applications, parenting disputes, and the division of property when a couple separate.
The High Court is the highest court in the Australian judicial system. It was established in 1901 by Section 71 of the Constitution. The functions of the High Court are to interpret and apply the law of Australia; to decide cases of special federal significance including challenges to the constitutional validity of laws and to hear appeals, by special leave, from Federal, State and Territory courts.
The ACAT provides a forum for the determination of a wide range of civil disputes, requests for review of administrative decisions and professional and occupational disciplinary matters. Daily List.
The legislation register is an authorised electronic statute book that provides the community with free and quick access to ACT legislation and related information.
The Federal Register of Legislation (the Legislation Register) is the authorised whole-of-government website for Commonwealth legislation and related documents. It contains the full text and details of the lifecycle of individual laws and the relationships between them.
The ACT Government Assistance website aims to make it easy for you to find out what assistance and advice you might be eligible for by putting this information in one place and in an easily understood way. It pulls together information from across the ACT and Australian governments and some community organisations in the ACT.
Access Canberra falls within the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Directorate and is responsible for regulatory and support services that aim to protect the public interest in key areas including:
The ACT Government Environment and Planning Directorate, through its Planning and Land Authority, covers town planning, environmental policy and protection, sustainability policy, the Government architect, heritage and nature conservation.