Upcoming CPD Alert!
On Thursday 4 July 2019 our Marcus Hassall will be presenting on Civil Confiscation under the Confiscation of Criminal Assets Act 2003 ‘Instrument of Justice or Oppression?’
Over the past 15 years “civil” (non-conviction based) confiscation provisions have been introduced in all Australian jurisdictions. The ACT is no exception, and the relevant provisions are contained in the Confiscation of Criminal Assets Act 2003. How do the ACT provisions rate in terms of their level of fairness or harshness? What rights are available to respondents and other affected persons in response to such action?
This looks to be an interesting and informative presentation and we hope to see you there.
When: Thursday 4 July 2019 5.30pm – 7.00pm
Where: Blackburn Chambers, 12th Floor AMP Building, 1 Hobart Place Canberra
Cost: Nil
To register email Jo Dean-Ritchie ceo@actbar.com.au.
#chambers #justice #cpd #act #blackburnchambers #canberrabarristers