The Law Council of Australia has released a strong statement in support of setting aside the proposed Family Court merger bills.
Family law issues are complex. They involve difficult family dynamics, balancing of interests, and sometimes the very best and worst of humanity. Here at Blackburn, our barristers care about law reform and our broader legal community. Our members have made several submissions on the issue of the proposed court merger in their private capacities and as members of leading representative bodies for lawyers.
Our Gavin Howard, Graeme Blank and James Haddock are all listed on Doyle’s Guide for the ACT in recognition of their knowledge and expertise in the area of family law. Similarly, our Marcus Hassall and John Masters have significant experience in family law matters as well as their own special areas of interest such as criminal law and proceeds of crime matters.
Well done to our members for taking an interest and getting involved. Whatever your view we suggest you get involved in the conversation!